Drugs Drugs Drugs (posted for my sister)

You lose your job, your home, and even worse…Your children. It’s beyond comprehension what people are willing to give away to be in La La Land. A huge circle of people are impacted (hard). That being said, No one starts doing drugs thinking “Boy, it’s going to be great when drugs take over my life.” And yet, there are many who find themselves imprisoned. No one thinks they’re going to be the junkie. Today more than ever, I want the healing of addiction!! There’s a personal reason for asking everyone to put this message on their status for at least 1 hour. I know who’ll do it! Think of someone you love who has had an addiction or who is trying to fight this evil. I hope to see this on the status of all my friends. Don’t share, but copy and paste!! Hold your finger on the text and it will highlight, select copy, then paste it onto your own wall. The pain hurts more than just the addict, it destroys FAMILIES and friendships! We hate the sickness, not the person!

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